While inaugurating Start up India campaign workshop ‘Namaste Start ups’ in Ranchi on Monday,Jharkhand Governor is on record emphasing the need to ignite imagination and create a pro-entrepreneur system for the success of Start up India campaign.
The workshop-Namaste Start ups-was organised by www.jharkhandstate news.com and Help Grow Wings,a non profit making company.
She said:”The concept of Start-Up was as old as human civilization.It was linked with pastoral activities like hunting and gathering to the supercomputers and space shuttles of today were all start ups.”
“A tea stall or Vegetable vendor is as much a start up as also the big companies like Google or Apple. The differentiation is one’s imagination, the power of our dreams. As you know, all these huge companies began from country-side garages,” she said.
The Governor opined that while everyone calls Jharkhand a rich state, no body had sought to know why should its people suffer from poverty and inequality? Why is Jharkhand a fertile ground for Left Wing Extremism?
“The answers to these questions must come from our collective conscience. People in Jharkhand may be poor but as you showed me in your presentation, they are rich in their enterprise and imagination,” she said.
The job of the government and the job of the civil society was to ignite that imagination and create an enabling environment for the start up option, she added.
“This is what our Hon’ble Prime Minister dreams about. India can be vibrant only when every Indian is vibrant. Every Institution is vibrant,” she said.
“What I saw in your presentation today is extremely fulfilling to me. Extremism is in the wane. That throws up an opportunity to be encashed. The time has come for a thousand flowers to bloom. The MUDRA scheme of the Govt. of India has come at the right time,” she added.
Governor Murmu said that time has come for the government to stand up for entrepreneurs and walk an extra mile for an entrepreneur who creates job and wealth for our society.
*Ratan Lal’s picture shows Jharkhand Governor Droupadi Murmu lighting the lamp to inaugurate the workshop ‘Namaste Start ups’ inside BNR Chanakya Hotel in Ranchi on June 13.Eminent persons were (Left to Right)Harivansh,Rajya Sabha MP,Governor’s Principal Secretary Santosh Kumar Satapathy,Governor’s ADC,www.indiancitynews.com Editor Manoj Prasad,Principal Secretary Mridula Sinha,Padamshree late Dr Ram Dayal Munda’s wife Amita Munda and volunteers.