Jharkhand Chief Minister Raghubar Das on Sunday flagged off two vans to promote “Digital India Outreach campaign” in Jharkhand.
The flagging off took place inside his official residence in Ranchi.
Talking about the campaign,the CM opined that the intellectual property of the state shows its progress,capability and development.Even during the un-divided Bihar,Jharkhand was the education hum.”We have taken forward that tradition”,he told media persons.
The CM said :”Which is why the Centre,taking note of the state’s capability,has given consent to open many educational institutions.”
As a result,he said,the ISM has become IIT.”There were other educational institutions such as Central University,IIM,Law University,Raksha Shakti University,RIT,BIT,XLRI,XISS inaddition to seven Dental Colleges,three medical colleges and several engineering colleges where quality education was being provided,”said the CM.