Two guys Hemant Gupta and Payo Murmu-who were stuck up at top of the Himalayas,are safe.”They have safely returned to the base camp”,said a report.
Both Gupta and Murmu are mountaineers from Jamshedpur in Jharkhand.
As they were moving up at about 22,000 ft height of the Himalayas,the earthquake had struck in Nepal.”This was the time when these mountaineers were on way to the summit on April 25”,said the source adding:”In any case due to the God’s interference,they safely returned to the base camp.”
Bachendri Pal,mountaineer, Chief of Tata Steel Adventure Foundation,who in 1984 became the first Indian woman to reach the summit of Mount Everest,is reported to have informed the media that she had received messages from Gupta and Murmu.
Incidentally,Gupta and Murmu had left Jamshedpur in the first week of April to climb the highest peak.