Aggressive awareness campaign for high-incidence districts
The State Health Department on Wednesday issued an advisory asking people not to ignore symptoms of H1N1 and to see a doctor immediately or call 104.
Officials said that an aggressive awareness campaign would be launched in high-incidence districts of Bengaluru, Mysuru, Chitradurga and Shivamogga.
BBMP Chief Health Officer (Public Health) Lokesh M.N. said that patients with co-morbid conditions, such as diabetes, hypertension and runny nose, should stay alert. “H1N1 is 100% treatable. We request people to visit a hospital as soon as flu-like symptoms appear,” said Dr. Lokesh.
Tamiflu tablets are being given free of cost in all government hospitals and PHCs, said the advisory. Homeopathy doses to build immunity are also being given at all these centres.
Positive cases will be immediately referred to specialised care centres, like Rajiv Gandhi Chest Institute in Bengaluru, and other such hospitals in other revenue divisions to ensure that patients do not develop pneumonia, which can be fatal.
Cases confirmed in BBMP limits: 750
No of deaths in BBMP limits: 2
Health advisory
Have flu-like symptoms, such as fever, watery nose?
See doctor immediately
Doctor will take a throat swab
Result will be given in 24 hours
If test positive, patient should be in quarantine till symptoms subside