On November 30,2015,Union Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu announced that a special train starting from Ranchi in Jharkhand to reach Ernakulam in Karnataka via Vellore will start soon.
Now,on May 30,2016,Prabhu’s announcement is close to become a reality.”This train is going to start moving soon”,said Ranchi based Divisonal Railway Manager Deepak Kashyap.
This means that many residents of Jharkhand,especially those who have to travel to Vellore for treatment, are set to welcome this train.”We are happy that Union Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu has kept his promise and helped many of us to have a train from Ranchi to the southern medical hub”,he said.
Incidentally,the Ranchi-Ernakulam-Vellore Express will be a weekly train. However,its exact timetable is yet to be known, as officials in Ranchi railway division are yet to get a formal communiqué.
In any case,this train will be Jharkhand state capital’s third rail connect to Vellore, which houses Christian Medical College and Hospital and other premier heal hubs.
The other two are :one,Dhanbad-Alleppey Express that goes via Ranchi;two Hatia-Yeshwantpur.