Amarjit Balihar,SP posted in Pakur,was shot dead with four other jawans today.
Jharkhand DGP Rajiv Kumar told that Balihar together with a section of the securitymen were returning to Pakur when the CPI(Maoist) cadres ambushed his vehicle.
The incident took place near Kathikund locality in Amrapara in Pakur district.“Balihar and four other jawans had died”,Kumar who rushed to Pakur by the government chopper told
No arrest was made in connection with the ambush which had rocked the state government currently under the President’s Rule.
Incidentally,Amrapara is the area where Catholic nun Valsa John was murdered by unidentified assailants in Pachuwara village in Jharkhand’s Pakur district in 2011.Among these assailants were Maoists who have been trying to gain ground in Pakur for quite some time.