To accelerate the process of economic development in Jharkhand, long term plans should be formulated and worked out in a time bound manner. For developing the required human resources for industrial employment, the process of recruitment should be done through JPSC.For serving the Industries not only the engineers but also the graduates must be included in the selection process.
Jharkhand Chief Secretary R S Sharma said this today while reviewing the works of the state’s Industries Department.He said that by prescribing a quantified target in plantation, the problem of unemployment can be eradicated in the rural areas and suggested that a quantum jump in Tasar production, rubber plantation and mulberry promotion can contribute to economic growth.
Special Secretary, Industry, Dhirendra Kumar elaborated upon the post cocoon activity and said that as many as 127 centres have been established for production of thread all over the State.
“To introduce a PPP mode in the field of sericulture to scale-up its production thereby developing the infrastructure. A vision of sericulture must be defined and documented to scale-up opportunities in this field”,said Sharmaand directed Kumar to make a project report signifying the benefits and financial requirements associated with it.
Also Sharma laid stress on defining the export potentiality of numerous items produced in the State.He sought to redefine the construction of super-specialty hospital on PPP mode with explicit reimbursement facility to BPL.
Secretary, Industry Department, Vandana Dadel and Director of Industries,Himani Pande were also present during the meeting.