CI mental Diwyangon Ranchi are preparing for Special Olympics
Breakfast delivered
From twenty different states children 2 kilometers from the swampy Square
Bicycle rally which had a view to a Lubhanvit his. These children
There are guides who were also coached in with For these children
Vibhint meet Taking part in live games not even once it appears
That they were mentally or physically is there some kind of trouble or they
We in any case less Hakjesiai Ranchi nearly three hundred children
food packets was not a single oil fuel substance of Nyabuddin including but
All of the foods that our health or that a player your
Prefer dishes normal.Hugging coaches and players this work Jesai
Were Atishukrgujhar and ecstatic and he said that these children simply
Similarly, some love and need for affection that they all point in life
To grow.
Today’s new president Jesai program Dipakagrwal, Secretary Siddharth
Jaiswal, vice pride Agarwal, Amit Khowal, coordinator of today’s program
Ankit Agarwal, innovative Gadhodia, Abhishek Karwal, Atul Modi, Abhishek
Modi, the Jesret wing with pride Maheshwari, Nitesh Agarwal, Sushil Kedia
Member Rajni Dndnia, Payal Bajaj, Shweta Aggarwal and other travelers