Prime Minister Narendra Modi today promised to make available LPG cylinders to 5 crore families within three years.He said, due to the use of wooden stove,”our mothers inhale smoke equal to 400 cigrattes”,said the PM while concluding the Gram Uday Se Bharat Uday campaign in Jamshedpur on Sunday.
The PM apprised representatives of the Panchayats of the award scheme and observed that under the already launched scheme- ‘National Agriculture Market’(Rashtriya Krishi Bazar)-farmers can select buyers through mobile phones.
”To do so,awareness has to be brought”,said the PM adding that “As much as High-Way was required, I-Way(Information Technology) was required in India.”
Also,the PM Modi launched Jharkhand government’s prestigious “Kisan Single Window System” and the Tata Institute of Social Sciences’ published report inside JRD Tata Stadium in Jamshedpur,venue of the concluding 10-day long Gram Uday Se Bharat Uday campaign.
*’s pictures show the PM Narendra Modi with Jharkhand Governor Daraupadi Murmu(on his right),Chief Minister Raghubar Das and others at concluding function of the 10 day long Gram Uday Se Bharat Uday programme at JRD Tata Stadium in jamshedpur on April 24,2016.