
State Jharkhand
Capital Ranchi
Area (sq .km) 79714
Population 2001 29945829
Density of Population per 338
Average Annual growth rate of population 1991-2001 (%) 2.1
Annual Per Capita Income 2008-09 (Rs.) Rs. 21465
Percentage of Urban Population (%) 22.25
Literacy Rate(%), 2007-08 62.1
Number of Districts 24
Number of Towns 152
Number of Villages 32616
Prominent Cities Ranchi, Jamshedpur, Dhanbad, Bokaro
Prominent Airports Ranchi
Principle Crops Maize, Rice, Wheat, Pulses
Major Industries Heavy Engineering, Coal Mining, Tussar Silk, Steel, IT, Tourism

Gross State Domestic Product Estimates
GSDP at current prices (Rs. crore)

GSDP Growth
States 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08
Jharkhand 4244922 5132332 5487891 6322990 6925332 11.80 20.91 6.93 15.22 9.53
Bihar 6617388 7365376 7956001 9976685 11472152 1.86 11.30 8.02 25.40 14.99
Chhattisgarh 3880209 4358904 5099884 5780640 6803535 19.42 12.34 17.00 13.35 17.70
Uttarakhand 2043878 2372001 2617194 2970934 . 10.64 16.05 10.34 13.52 .
Maharashtra 34060005 38629684 43873116 50883615 59099522 13.73 13.42 13.57 15.98 16.15
Punjab 9008860 9666008 10865334 12118925 13846739 9.53 7.29 12.41 11.54 14.26
Tamil Nadu 17537080 20237357 23483693 27691723 30498868 10.89 15.40 16.04 17.92 10.14