It is called ‘Solar Power Tree”.Developed by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research(CSIR) in league with its affiliate Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute(CMERI),Durgapur,it is a device meant to utilise minimum land(as much as a tree needs to grow0 to harness maximum Solar Energy.
Union Minister for Science and Technology and Earth Sciences Harsh Vardhan on Monday launched the 5 KW ‘Solar Power Tree’.”It is an innovation aimed at utilising minimum land harness maximum Solar Energy”,he said.
In fact,the device can solve a big problem the government face in finding land for the plant as it needs little space to save solar energy.
Dr Vardan,appreciated the scientists of the CSIR-CMERI for developing it and said ‘the Solar Power Tree’ can meet the increasing demand for ‘Green Energy by utilising little piece of land.