Cricket legend in the making Dhoni inspires football players

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Team India Captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni today interacted with players of his favourite game-football.

Dhoni turned up at Birsa Munda Foot Ball Stadium in Ranchi and interacted with players of 16 teams who were participating in the ongoing State Level Subroto Cup Football Tournament.He shook hands and inspired the players to play in spirit of the game.

Sports Authority of India’s Foot Ball coach Sushil Kumar Verma accompanied Dhoni.Both moved around the stadium.Verma said::”His(Dhoni’s) visit has instilled a sense of pride among the players.”Dhoni had visited this stadium in he past too.

Incidentally,late Subroto Mukerjee originally conceived the idea in 1958 when he was the Chief of the Air Staff. Subroto Mukerjee Sports Education Society was formed in 1960 after his untimely death in Tokyo.

The first tournament was held in 1960, with participation of about 50 school teams. The number of schools participating increased over the years. Since 1998, the tournament is played in two age groups, sub-Junior (under 14 years) and Junior (under 17 years).

Even the participating teams in the tournament in Ranchi who are going to witness the final matches tomorrow had players of two age groups-sub Junior(under 14 years)and Junior(under 17 years).

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