CPF wants to turn Jharkhand as Cyber Security Hub in India

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Picture shows Rajesh Srivastava,CPF’s Advisor and pro vice chairman,DPS,Bhagalpur and Greater Ranchi(Right) and Vineet Kumar(Left) displaying a Digital Forensics Magazine 4N6 inside BNR Chankaya hoetl in Ranchi on Monday. .

The Think Tank of the world’s famous cyber security body-Cyber Peace Foundation(CPF)-wants to turn Jharkhand as Cyber Security Hub of India.

In fact,Jharkhand is expected to be on the verge of becoming next cyber knowledge hub with the state government setting up smart city with a knowledge centre in Information Technology.Against this background,CPF is bound to play a major role in providing Cybre security service to people.

Already,CPF,a non profit making company,has signed MoU with VJTI.The aim was to foster SCADA/IPS testing and Community Cyber Range,said Rajesh Srivastava,pro vice chairman,DPS,Bhagalpur and Greater Ranchi.

The MoU was reportedly signed in presence of officials of Prime Minister Office and National Cyber Coordinator of Govt of India, Dr. Gushan Rai,said Srivastava who is CPF’s Advisor in presence of one of its founder and Cyber security expert Vineet Kumar inside BNR Chanakya hotel in Ranchi on Monday.

CPF is learnt to have signed another MoU with Ansal University,Gurgaon and ISGF (Indian Smart Grid Forum) for Cyber security.

Srivastava said,to fortify the defense against widespread movement of cybercrimes across industries and financial sectors, CPF is connected with 4N6.a Digital Forensics Magazine.

“Digital forensics encompass the crucial element of malware and its reverse engineering has gained pivotal importance in identifying the know-about of cyber attacks and thus with the aim of cultivating mass awareness and interest about the same, CPF is committed to popularise Cybre Information Security among the people in Jharkhand and the country at large,said Vineet Kumar.

Now,according to Srivastava and Kumar,CPF togther with Delhi Public School, Greater Ranchi,is planning to launch eRaksha Lab, e-Forensics, e-Security, e-Incubation and Innovation centres across India.

“In collaboration with Visio Ingenii and Council of Information Security, the eRaksha Forensics lab shall primarily focus on Data analytics (with support from Experts from Washington and Silicon valley) and Vision based analytics whereas in the era of demonetization, the E-Raksha Security lab shall strengthen the bank security against financial frauds breeding out of cashless economy’,said Kumar..

If these initiatives take place and the state government led by Chief Minister Raghubar Das back CPF and Delhi Public School, Greater Ranchi,the Prime Minister’s vision of Digital India, Make in India, Startup India, Skill India and Secure and Cashless India can take shape in Jharkhand.

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