We are also engaged in providing services in sectors such as library,writing,editing,film making,bill board hoarding, media planning and document keeping on contractual basis.
What we do
- Provide a platform to our readers to expose law breakers and the corrupt. We bring the spotlight for you to excel,write and share dreams, aspirations,views and problems connected with any common cause.
- Provide information on tour and travel of Jharkhand.
- Highlight and publicise achievers,innovators,RTI activists,news makers and whistle blowers for their contributions to the society.
- Publish tenders,employment news ( Public +private)with a spotlight on students’ career.Plus,we welcome and incorporate articles and stories on society,culture,economy,polity,history,sports as well as grapevine afloat in the corridors of power.
- Help citizens to pen articles for incorporation with their own pictures on the website.
- Make available authentic and accurate government records related with the welfare of the people,their development,education, health, employment and poverty alleviation tagged with responses of the people at ground zero.