‘To acquire applications,an awareness drive should be launched and Swachata Mela(Clean Fair) organised at the district level”,she directed the concerned officials.
In the meeting with the officials of the department of drinking water and sanitation,the following details were recorded.One,12 lakh Individual Household Latrines will be constructed and responsibility fixed at the block level.
“Keep August 15 as the last date for receiving applications”,said the CS adding that each Individual Household Latrines will be constructed with a bath room.
Two,the CS directed them to make functional the closed drinking water schemes in the state.
In response,the Department informed that in the first quarter of the current fiscal-2016-17,83,828 toilets were constructed.The number was three times higher in comparision to the number of toilets built during the same period in 2014-15.
Of the total 50 lakh 10 thousand 100 and 78 households in rural areas of the state,19 lakh 76 thousand and 18 households had already acquired toilets,said the department.
During 2016-17,the target to build 12 lakh Individual Household Latrines in 1000 panchayat was planned.
*Picture shows Jharkhand Chief Secretary Raj Bala Verma(in middle of the picture) holding a review meeting with officials of the Drinking Water and Sanitation Department inside the Project Bhawan in Ranchi on July 26,2016.