While dealing with the state government run programme-Mukhya Mantri Jan Samvad(Grievance Redressal)-Jharkhand Chief Minister’s Secretary Sunil Kumar Barnwal reviewed 16 complaints filed by the people on Tuesday.
In the Jan Samvad held inside Suchna Bhawan in Ranchi,,a strange case came to light.The case was connected with corruption allegedly committed by one Block Development Officer who was investining his own case.”What kind of investigation will take place”,quipped Barnwal.
Three districts -Hazaribagh,Chatra and East Singhbhum-were identified as ‘most’ in-effective in resolving complaints filed by the people on August 9.The performance of these districts remained unchanged on August 16,2016.
As such,Barnwal directed the Nodal Officers of these districts to issue notices against non-performing officers.”Otherwise you remain prepared to face the music”,threatened Barnwal.
In a case connected with Circular Road,Ranchi,there was a complaint filed by a house owner and replied by his tenant.It was concerning non payment of rent.Barnwal directed Dy.SP to visit the spot,take picture,make a video film and resolve the case.